Monday, 29 April 2013

Tea, text and image

These are 3 double page spreads playing around with composition and text for my project on tea drinking with text quoted from "Victoria Wood's 'A Nice Cup of Tea'", a fascinating documentary on the culture of tea drinking.

Head workshop

These 3 images are in response to a uni workshop with the brief to create head illustrations on A3 paper in response to a list of words.




Sunday, 28 April 2013

Collaboration project

On Friday I had a collaboration project as part of my uni work with my fellow illustration student Holly Horn. We had a day to respond to the word 'Stable' and we decided to look at deceptively stable structures that look fragile but are actually very resilient. In the end we decided to focus on a bird's nest and started the day by attempting to make our own nest out of found objects so that we could focus on and understand the structure  Then we created illustrations from our nest, working on top of each other's drawings. I would really encourage collaboration; it was an exciting and fun experience as we both created work that we wouldn't have with our own but could by combining our skills and ideas.

Making the nest
The finished nest

Drawn observations of small aspects of the nest

Nest illustration

Bird's eye view of the final piece with nest inside 
the illustrations that formed a hexagon casing.

Views from the  outside of the final piece showing
 illustrations and scans of the nest.

More final illustrations around the nest. There were
6 in total.

More of Holly's work can be seen here:

Tea Appreciation Society

The kind people at the Tea Appreciation Society have created a post for me on their website as I need feedback from all the tea drinkers out there about their daily cuppa. Take a look at their website and please respond to my article!

Friday, 26 April 2013

Drawing at Biddy's Tearooms

Watercolour and pencil crayon observation studies of tea drinking on tea stained and coloured papers.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Kaleidoscope fashion

A personal illustration project of a model in this folded, fanned paper garment created in pencil then enhanced with coloured inks and watercolours.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Tea anyone?

These are my illustrations of some of the teapots on show at the Norwich Castle Museum for my current project on tea drinking and it's importance in British culture.

A novelty pear shaped teapot

Red stoneware teapots from 1740

 Cream intricate teapot with green detailing.